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Walkabout Resources坦桑尼亚石墨矿将投产
发布时间:2024-05-11 浏览量:218

Kallanish(开阑商务信息咨询)报道,在澳大利亚上市的Walkabout Resources称,该公司在坦桑尼亚的Lindi Jumbo石墨矿已获得启动所需的所有最终政府批准。

Australia-listed Walkabout Resources says it has secured all the final government approvals required for the start-up of its Lindi Jumbo graphite mine in Tanzania,Kallanish reports.


The company said Thursday it has received the approval to use and operate the tailings storage facility (TSF) at the mine, marking the final permit needed for the mine’s commissioning. The 28.3-hectare TSF was designed and constructed to the “highest international standards” for the safe and environmentally friendly deposition of graphite tailings, Walkabout says.

Walkabout Resources公司总经理兼首席执行官Andrew Cunningham补充说:“在获得政府对Lindi Jumbo矿山运营的最终批准后,我们现在可以启动矿山的湿试运行和生产。”他没有透露开始试运行的确切时间。

“With the receipt of the final government approval for the operation of the Lindi Jumbo mine, we are now clear to commence both wet commissioning and production of the mine,” adds Andrew Cunningham, managing director and ceo of Walkabout Resources.He did not say exactly when commissioning would start.

该公司称,许可证要求对操作文件进行一些“小的更新”,并安装一些进一步的监测设备。一旦所有设备安装完毕,Walkabout将重新向政府提交尾矿管理操作、维护和监督手册(TSF OMS)。

The permit requires some “minor updates” to operating documentation and some further monitoring equipment to be installed, according to the company. Once all the equipment is installed, Walkabout will re-submit the tailings management operation, maintenance and surveillance manual (TSF OMS) to the ministry.


The TSF’s construction was monitored by independent engineers to ensure it met the necessary design standards. The company then submitted the facility’s detailed construction report to the ministry of water in Dodoma, which granted the operating permit.

Walkabout 100%拥有的Lindi Jumbo石墨矿位于坦桑尼亚东南部,地处以粗鳞片石墨矿床而闻名的莫桑比克高远景带。该矿预计每年将向国际市场供应4万吨天然鳞片石墨。Walkabout预计该矿将成为世界上利润率第二高的天然鳞片石墨项目。Walkabout还声称,该矿拥有坦桑尼亚最高的矿石储量品位,总石墨碳含量(TGC)达到17.9%。

Located in Southeast Tanzania, Walkabout’s 100%-owned Lindi Jumbo graphite mine is situated within the highly prospective Mozambique belt, famous for its coarse flake graphite deposits. The mine is expected to supply 40,000 tonnes/year of natural flake graphite to international markets. The company predicts the mine to be the second-highest margin natural flake graphite project in the world. Walkabout also claims the mine to have the highest ore reserve grade in Tanzania at 17.9% total graphitic carbon (TGC).


Lindi has an estimated pre-tax net present value of $335 million, with an internal rate of return of 142%. The project’s construction commenced in September 2021, with the first production anticipated in the first quarter of this year.

关键词:坦桑尼亚 石墨矿



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