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发布时间:2023-06-06 浏览量:1243

宾夕法尼亚州匹兹堡 - 2023年6月1日——哈宾逊沃尔克国际(HarbisonWalker International, HWI)发布了自今年2月份与凯得力战略合并后的新品牌标识。作为凯得力集团成员,此新标识将作为凯得力集团在美洲市场的品牌标识。

Pittsburgh, PA – June 1, 2023 – HarbisonWalker International (HWI), which announced in February 2023 that it would combine with Calderys, has unveiled a new brand identity. The new look reflects HWI as a member of Calderys, the global refractories company’s brand in the Americas.

“The new visual identity of HWI, as a member of Calderys, is a significant step on our journey to form a unified business that incorporates the best of both brands to create a global high-growth leader. We have undertaken this exercise with thoughtful intention to preserve the legacy of the HWI brand in the Americas while reflecting the global stature of the Calderys brand,” said Michel Cornelissen, President and CEO of Calderys Group.

“作为凯得力集团的成员,哈宾逊沃尔克国际的新视觉标识是我们在整合和巩固两大品牌业务过程中迈出的重要一步——融合两个品牌的精华,打造全球高增长的行业领导者地位,既保留哈宾逊沃尔克国际品牌在美洲市场的传统及地位,同时也彰显凯得力品牌的全球地位,”凯得力集团总裁兼首席执行官 Michel Cornelissen 说。

For more than 150 years, HWI has built a legacy of refractories leadership in North America. The brand emerged as HarbisonWalker International in 2014 when three leading US-based companies joined forces, becoming known as HWI. During these years, the Calderys brand was built as Imerys SA’s High Temperature Solutions global business across Europe, Asia, and Africa.

历经150 多年的发展与传承,哈宾逊沃尔克国际在北美耐火材料行业建立了领导地位。2014 年,三家行业领先的美国公司联合组成HarbisonWalker International (HWI)。与此同时,作为法国益瑞石集团的高温解决方案事业部,凯得力品牌的全球业务尤其在欧洲、亚洲和非洲市场不断发展壮大。

Both businesses were purchased by Platinum Equity, which announced in February 2023 that it would combine Calderys and HWI to create one of the world's largest and most comprehensive refractories producers with more product and service options and further investments in technology and customer care.

如今,两大品牌都归属铂金资产所有,并已于 2023 年 2 月战略合并,打造成覆盖高温解决方案全部领域的全球最大的的耐火材料产品及解决方案提供商之一,为我们全球的客户提供范围更广泛的产品和服务,不断加大对技术和客户支持的投入。

Elements of the HWI brand combine the visual identities of both companies, with HWI maintaining its well-known acronym and font while adopting the symbolism of the Calderys brand: hands joining together, flames, the caldera of a volcano, and the containing of heat.


Adopting the vibrant orange and black for both logos references the high temperatures in which refractories operate. Assuming the same color scheme strengthens the unity of HWI and Calderys and avoids diluting the brands.


“The new HWI brand reinforces how we unite in many ways beyond products and customers. Our cultures put safety and customers first. We value people while providing quality and innovative products and solutions to our broad customer base, and we embed sustainability in everything we do. We are all aligned on these common priorities as one company,” added Cornelissen.

“不仅仅在产品和客户层面,哈宾逊沃尔克国际的新品牌加强了两个品牌其他很多层面的整合和强化:在企业文化上,我们都将安全和客户放在首位;我们以人为本,同时为我们全球范围客户群提供优质和创新的产品和解决方案;我们将可持续性发展理念贯穿于我们所有业务活动中——合并后作为一家公司,我们会在这些共同的优先事项上继续保持一致。” Cornelissen 补充道。



About Calderys

凯得力是全球领先的高温行业解决方案供应商。我们的核心业务包括耐火材料、以及铸钢连铸保护渣、型砂粘结剂等产品和解决方案,覆盖高温解决方案业务领域的全部范围。我们在30多个国家和地区的布局、并通过哈宾逊沃尔克国际品牌在北美市场领导地位的强力加持、确保为客户提供端到端的定制化解决方案;专业的知识和创新的理念确保我们长期稳定的优质产品组合及可信赖的性能。我们凭借 150 多年的经验支持客户的能源转型需求。凯得力集团总部位于法国巴黎,在5大洲拥有50 家工厂、 6500 多名员工(包括合同员工)。




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